One of the greatest moments during an Aggie’s time at Texas A&M is the day he or she receives an Aggie Ring. As the most visible sign of the Aggie Network, the Aggie Ring is a unique representation of achievement, as it can only be ordered when an Aggie completes specific academic requirements.
Aggies receive their Aggie Rings at a special celebration called Aggie Ring Day. Three times a year, thousands of Aggies, family and friends gather at the Clayton W. Williams, Jr. Alumni Center to celebrate achieving an academic milestone by receiving their Aggie Rings. During this celebration, Aggies can enjoy various festivities on the Alumni Center grounds, including taking professional photos at different landmarks, watching student group performances, and more. Learn more…
“Although ring dunks are not an official tradition of Texas A&M, they have been a part of Aggie culture for a long time.
Ring dunking is one of the many customs that are unique to Aggies. The concept is said to have originated in the 1970s when a Corps of Cadets member dropped his Aggie gold in a pitcher of beer at the Dixie Chicken and decided drinking it was easier than fishing it out by hand. Since then, ring dunks have greatly evolved through the years but have always centered around the act of christening one’s ring by dropping it in a pitcher of liquid, often beer, and downing the liquid in a matter of seconds.” From The Battalion, May 8, 2021 edition. Learn more…